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English translation for "the legend of zelda"


Related Translations:
princess zelda:  塞尔达公主
legend:  n.1.传说;神话。2.伟人传。3.(奖章、纪念牌等的)铭文,题跋。4.地图的图例,插图的说明。5.〔the L-〕 【宗教】圣徒故事集 ( = the Golden L-)。
oriental legend:  西游释厄传
color legend:  颜色图标
legend group:  联想集团想集团
geologic legend:  地质图例
pc legend:  微型计算机
legend timing:  发动机进气及排气活门启闭定时程序
legend key:  图例标示
Example Sentences:
1.Nintendo ' s “ the legend of zelda : twilight princess ” is the latest installment in the hugely popular “ zelda ” series
这款游戏名为《萨尔达传说:黎明公主》 ,是1986年推出的经典动作角色扮演游戏《萨尔达传说》系列最新作。
2.For example , when you are casting your lure while fishing in the legend of zelda : twilight princess , you can hear the whirring of the line as you flick the controller forward
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